Like peanut butter, the nuts themselves are full of monounsaturated fats that are good for your cardiovascular health since they lower the risk for strokes and heart attacks. Peanuts contain copper and the same antioxidants as red wine in order to prevent heart disease.

As its name implies, wheatgrass is basically the young grass of the wheat plant. Most fans consume it via tablets, though it is also possible to take it in juice form. The latter might actually be the better option as it expedites the absorption of wheatgrass through the leaves. It is definitely not for everyone as it might trigger inflammation in people who have gluten, grass, or wheat allergies. We also recommend pregnant and nursing women to first consult a medical professional before including wheatgrass into their nutritional plan. The health benefits will make the hassle worth it, however. Among other things, it boasts vitamin A, vitamin C, and a significant amount of vitamin E. Wheatgrass also contains various amounts of iron, antioxidants, and B vitamins.
