Garlic earned a firm spot in popular culture as a natural vampire repellent. However, few are aware of the fact that it boasts heart-healthy properties. It is used in the best cooking recipes, but it also comes with nutrients that bring down blood pressure, lower the amount of enzymes that constrict blood flow, and prevent the build-up of plaque in the artery walls. In fact, research shows that it can reduce plaque buildup by as much as half of the original amount! If you aren’t fond of the taste, you can choose to consume garlic in the form of a pill.

Red Wine
Red wine is probably featured heavily in your diet already and if so, you must be relieved to find it on the list. After all, it is the perfect way to end your night and jazz up the dish you’re making. Experts have revealed that drinking it in moderation will lead to a boost in your HDL levels and the prevention of cholesterol buildup. Additionally, it comes with antioxidants that help the prevention of blood clots by ensuring the flexibility of blood vessels. This ultimately results in a lower risk of coronary heart disease. There is no need to kick it out of your diet as long as you don’t go overboard.

Red Wine