Good Luck Stifling Your Laughter Once You See These Silly Headstones

Published on 07/23/2020

A Message From The Grave

How much darker can it possibly get than a casket below the ground? The headstone might have stated the obvious, but it is still funny. Can you just imagine if these were the actual last words of the dead person? It might have been obvious but just thinking about someone accidentally buried while still alive is quite hilarious. If you are more philosophical, we are sure that you can derive a deeper meaning too.

A Message From The Grave

A Message From The Grave


Thanks For The Warning

They tried to give us a warning even though it was pretty clear to us. We have to give them A for effort, however. We are not sure if this headstone is trying to warn us that you can no longer back out of death once you pass away, but this is how we like to view it. Besides, who says that a headstone has to make sense? There are times when its only goal is to make you laugh, and this is fine with us.

Thanks For The Warning

Thanks For The Warning