The Godfather Was Inspired By A Mob Boss, But There’s A Deeper Story Behind The Film

Published on 07/23/2020

The American Dream

Back when Frank was only a kid, his family decided to go to New York. Frank and his family boarded a ship and shipped across the entire Atlantic. After very long hours of traveling, the family arrived in a place where big opportunities await, New York. From here, Frank has no idea of the things that would come his way. He also has no idea that the American Dream was waiting for him as soon as his feet landed on the grounds of New York.

The American Dream

The American Dream


Young Frank

Life is not easy living in a city that is new to your senses. It’s not easy also to have a feeling that has a new environment. Living in New York is challenging for anyone who stays there. So the Costello family had to think of ways to earn money to sustain their daily needs. After a while, they opened a grocery store somewhere in East Harlem. However, young Frank started following different paths and directions. A much darker American Dream was waiting for him, darker than his parents’.

Young Frank

Young Frank