Funniest Lost & Found Signs That Would Brighten Your Day

Published on 07/20/2022

Moving Out

Cats are picky about who they like, which is a good thing. Not so great if you don’t want or own a cat and one takes residence in your home without permission. Many people might like it, and the person who created this sign certainly did. However, cats are notoriously known for finding new humans to live with at a moment’s notice, so maybe they will disappear by themselves.

Moving Out

Moving Out


We Didn’t Expect This

We’re totally against eating any adorable puppies! But we must admit that this sign had a big twist at the end. That was probably pretty unsurprising to most people. We have not tried Beagle, but we have doubts about its similarities to chicken. Regardless, we will not be confirming or refuting any information on whether it tastes like chicken.

We Didn't Expect This

We Didn’t Expect This