Where was he?
As she moved closer to the back door, she felt her pulse quicken and begin to sweat. What will happen if her father is not present? What if he was attempting to defend himself against a person who had broken into the house? On the other hand, she swiftly learned that her father was still present at the house. He was just working in the shed at the time. Abby let out a sigh of relief as she released her breath.

Where was he?
He heard her
Her joy, however, was only momentary due to the fact that her father had never worked in the shed at such an early or late hour before. She hurriedly pulled on a pair of slippers as she pondered what he was doing inside while she stood there wondering about it. She exited the house through the back door and then secured it when she had left. It gave the impression that her father had been listening for the door to close when he suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

He heard her