What Abby Found In Her Father’s Late-Night Shed Trips

Published on 08/23/2023

Running inside

The second sound did not in any way inspire confidence. Abby felt goosebumps run all the way down her back as a result of it. After she heard the commotion, she hurried back inside without giving any thought to slowly closing the door because she didn’t want to be outdoors any longer near the shed. She didn’t want to be there any longer. She sprinted up the stairs just as the door banged shut behind her, and then she jumped straight into bed.

Running inside

Running inside

Holding her breath

As Abby’s father emerged from the garage and entered the house, she couldn’t help but hold her breath. She was able to hear the creaking sound that he made as he descended the stairs, and as he got closer, her heart started to beat faster. In a short amount of time, he stopped breathing in her room.

Holding her breath

Holding her breath