Farmer Taught These Rude Tourists A Lesson When He Could No Longer Stand Their Disrespect

Published on 08/26/2020

It Had Been A Very Peaceful Flight

Despite waiting for her for as long as he could, he did not see her. “I don’t know if she made it back to this flight before we took off or not,” he said in the post. “But I didn’t see her board, and I don’t hear her dog.” It is safe to assume that she did not make it to her flight. After all, everyone would have otherwise heard her music, facetime, and dog. Even to this day, he could not believe that she did not make it.

It Had Been A Very Peaceful Flight

It Had Been A Very Peaceful Flight


The Effect Was Even Worse Than You Might Think

“Her missing her flight was not my original intention,” he explained, “but it would be a fine punishment for her being so rude to everyone and making a low-paid stranger clean feces off the floor.” It seems like the consequence is even greater than what you might think. “What makes me wonder if I went too far is the knowledge that Delta only has one flight to Tokyo each day,” Steve reflected. “Whoops.”

The Effect Was Even Worse Than You Might Think

The Effect Was Even Worse Than You Might Think