Farmer Taught These Rude Tourists A Lesson When He Could No Longer Stand Their Disrespect

Published on 08/26/2020

Waiting For Her To Come Back

There was more to it than tricking her into running across the terminal. The truth was that he only made up the gate number, which meant that it did not exist. By then, he was sure that she was going to get lost. “I figured I could give her a little moment of panic as payback for how terribly she was treating everyone,” he said. At that point, they had less than 45 minutes before it was time to board the plane. Everyone was probably relieved when they saw the rude woman leave the gate with all of her things.

Waiting For Her To Come Back

Waiting For Her To Come Back


She Did Not Show Up In Time

They were able to wait for boarding in peace. When the flight attendants started to let people into the plane, the woman was still nowhere in sight. Steve waited for her because it would have been priceless to see her furious. Considering what had happened, he would have loved to see the ending of this incredible story. In the end, however, he had been the last person to board. At first, he told the flight attendants that he was “just waiting for someone.” In the end, he gave up and got on the plane!

She Did Not Show Up In Time

She Did Not Show Up In Time