Dissatisfied With The Film
The editing of the film, according to the grumpy Hollywood actor, was a slap in the face to his sensibilities. According to Eastwood, several of the moments that were filmed but ultimately deleted would have given Kelly’s Heroes more character and philosophical depth, resulting in a stronger film than the one that was finally produced as a result of the decision. At the time, he told the French film magazine Positif that the script “was originally a very fine anti-militaristic script, one that said some important things about war, about this proclivity that mankind has to destroy himself.” He added that the script “was [originally] a very fine anti-militaristic script, one that said some important things about man’s proclivity to destroy himself.”

Dissatisfied With The Film
A Supposed Adventure Comedy
Kelly’s Heroes was created with the intention of becoming an action-comedy film, as everyone who has seen it can attest to. Despite the fact that it contained scenes depicting the horrors of war, the film was ultimately intended to be a fun and entertaining experience for the whole family. When the producer walked into the room, it ruined the entire experience for everybody!

A Supposed Adventure Comedy