Eastwood Almost Didn’t Play Kelly
Kelly’s role, on the other hand, was almost never cast until Eastwood was placed in it. He insisted that Don Siegel, a personal friend and crucial creative collaborator who had worked with him on previous projects, would be in charge of the film’s direction when he agreed to star in it. Upon completion of Two Mules for Sister Sara, the filmmaker was met with a slew of unexpected post-production issues that he had not anticipated. As a result, Siegel was compelled to resign, and Brian G. Hutton was appointed to take over as acting director of operations. After all was said and done, Eastwood couldn’t back out of the deal because he had already signed on dotted line.

Eastwood Almost Didn’t Play Kelly
The Movie Would’ve Been Different
However, even though he had given his name to the contract with no prospect of backing out, Eastwood was not quite satisfied with the overall premise of the film. However, the famed star of Sergio Leone’s most famous Spaghetti Westerns was everything but a cheerful bunny throughout his career. Furthermore, there was one aspect of Kelly’s Heroes in particular that he found annoying to the point of irritation.

The Movie Would’ve Been Different