Dog Was Behaving Strangely Towards Babysitter, So They Used A Hidden Recorder To Find Out Why

Published on 07/08/2020


He wanted to get a dog to help him cope with his feelings of isolation. He developed a strong bond with his dog, which he called Crosby. Dogs are still man’s best friend, according to the 29-year-old! George can extol the virtues of his dog’s sweetness and loyalty. He thought he knew Crosby well, but it turned out that he didn’t know anything there was to know about his furry pal.




Bonding With His Furry Friend

George couldn’t help but wonder how his sweet dog could do such a thing after learning the facts. He began to wonder if this was the same dog he had rescued several years before. Crosby was a friendly dog who enjoyed playing with the other animals at the park, according to George. Crosby would not leave another animal’s side as it got close to them. But then something happened. What is the reason for this?

Bonding With His Furry Friend

Bonding With His Furry Friend