25+ Baking Soda Hacks You Need To Try

Published on 11/28/2019

Clean Your Sponges

Cleaning your dirty dishes with an equally dirty sponge seems like a waste of your time, and it’s certainly not getting your dishes as clean as you think. If your sponges aren’t looking so good, let them soak in a warm water and baking soda mixture overnight and rinse them off the next morning.

Clean Your Sponges


Pet Bed Odors

Most people will agree that their pet is their best bud, but at the same time, your best bud leaving stains and odors around your house can get aggrivating. If your pet’s bed is starting to smell like it belongs outside, sprinkle it with some baking soda, let it sit for 15 minutes, then vacuum it.

Pet Bed Odors