25+ Baking Soda Hacks You Need To Try

Published on 11/28/2019

Chicken Pox Cure

If you have never experienced what it is like to have the chicken pox, you’re lucky. If you had the chicken pox in the past, you’ll know that they are nothing to laugh about. By mixing half of a tablespoon in with a glass of water, you can help ease the urge to itch yourself. Soak a soft washcloth into the mixture and lay it on the itchy areas of your body until it’s dried up.

Chicken Pox Cure


Clean Food Containers

With all of the different kinds of foods people put into their plastic containers, it makes complete sense why they aren’t looking super clean anymore. Between pasta sauces, grease, and oils, things are getting stuck onto the containers each time you use them. Sprinkle some baking soda onto a clean sponge and scrub away at them to make them look fresh.

Clean Food Containers