You May Not Realize These Habits Are Damaging Your Kidneys

Published on 11/17/2019

Don’t Underestimate A Cold

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the average person suffers from two to three colds per year. Though these colds seem nothing more than harmless and annoying, you should not treat them like they are nothing. If you leave colds without treatment, your body will produce more and more antibodies. Over a period of time, these antibodies will start to become unhealthy for your kidneys. If you’re feeling sick, you should see a doctor; don’t be like the 72 percent of Americans who stay home from work when they’re sick!

Don't Underestimate A Cold

Don’t Underestimate A Cold


Don’t Wait To Use The Restroom

Did you know that holding in your urge to use the restroom is one of the biggest causes of kidney problems? The longer urine stays in your body, the worse it is for you. Urine is a hub for bacteria that shouldn’t be in your body anymore, and the longer it sits, the more bacteria it creates. Eventually, this bacteria will make its way to your kidneys, and when that happens, you’ll wish it didn’t. When you have to go, try not to resist the urge.

Don't Wait To Use The Restroom

Don’t Wait To Use The Restroom