You May Not Realize These Habits Are Damaging Your Kidneys

Published on 11/17/2019

Drink Plenty Of Water

Not drinking enough water leads to dehydration, and dehydration leads to an unhealthy heart. Drinking five glasses of water each day will help to improve heart health drastically. Drinking less than two glasses of water each day will weaken your heart over time and can lead to serious heart diseases. The thicker your blood is, the harder it has to work to pump through your body, and the more tired it will get. Drinking more water will lower your blood viscosity and reduce strain on your heart muscles.

Drink Plenty Of Water

Drink Plenty Of Water


Stand Up Frequently

Sitting at your desk all day not only puts a strain on your eyes and back but on your heart as well. In 2015, 41 studies showed that sitting all day increases your risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer greatly. In a study conducted in 2019, research showed that standing for an extra hour each day decreases your risk of heart disease by twenty-six percent. There are tricks you can use to still get your work done but also watch out for your health: get a standing desk, take brief walks throughout the day (to the bathroom and back, for a glass of water, etc.), and park your car farther away so you need to walk a bit more.

Stand Up Frequently

Stand Up Frequently