You May Not Realize These Habits Are Damaging Your Kidneys

Published on 11/17/2019

Eat More Fruits And Veggies

It isn’t a matter of which fruits and vegetables are good for your heart; it’s more of a question of which fruits and vegetables you’re going to eat in order to support your heart health. Studies show that five servings, which is equivalent to about 2.5 cups, of fruits and veggies each day can lower your risk of getting heart disease. 10 servings can decrease your risk for disease by twenty-eight percent and your risk for premature death by thirty-one percent.

Eat More Fruits And Veggies

Eat More Fruits And Veggies


Cut Back On The TV Binging

After 20 years of studying 70,000 women, researchers released data in 2015. At the beginning of the study, nearly every woman suffered from diabetes or heart disease, and by the end of the study, many of them cut their risk of a heart attack by ninety-two percent! One habit that they all had in common was the fact that they limited their TV watching to seven hours weekly. When you spend too much time watching TV, you’re spending less time exercising; it’s really that simple. Watching TV for four hours each day has been proven to be worse for you than sitting at a desk job all day.

Cut Back On TV Binging

Cut Back On TV Binging