Jackson Oswalt
Jackson Oswalt is most definitely not an average teenager. The Tennessee local has not been busy watching TV or playing video games like his peers. No, he was already working on setting up a nuclear laboratory in his old playroom ever since he was 12 years old. He managed to finish the project on the 19th of January 2018, mere hours before he turned 13. With the use of 50,000 volts, he allegedly combined two atoms of deuterium gas and fused the nuclei in the plasma core of his reactor.

Jackson Oswalt
Hunter Steinitz
Now 24 years old, the woman below is believed to be the oldest woman in the United States with a certain condition. She suffers from a super rare condition called Harlequin Ichthyosis. It is actually so rare that a number of doctors had no idea what she had when she was born. A lot of babies with this condition do not survive the infancy stage, which might explain why there are fewer than a hundred known cases across the globe. As a way to raise awareness, she worked with other people in the group to work on a performance that would help people understand the condition better. At the time, she was only a teen. “I wish this was my full-time job,” she once shared, “Because I think this is by far the most wonderful thing I’ve ever done with my talent, my time and my resources.”

Hunter Steinitz