Regardless of the season, it is important to keep the immune system healthy and strengthened. Certain foods can even reduce the likelihood of illness or help you recover faster. We will tell you which six foods help against a weak immune system.

Foods Containing Vitamin C
Vitamin C has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant properties and thus protects the immune cells from harmful substances such as viruses or bacteria. It also plays an important role in building and maintaining healthy tissue, especially the skin. Unbroken skin forms an effective barrier against infection. Therefore, vitamin C supports a weak immune system and reduces the likelihood of infections. In the event of illness, an increased vitamin C intake helps to recover more quickly.
Ginger is an effective remedy against a weak immune system. The root has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties and may lower the risk of infections. Ginger’s antimicrobial properties can prevent the growth of dangerous bacteria like E. coli or salmonella. Ginger should be taken preventatively to most effectively combat infections that do occur. It is therefore recommended to consume ginger regularly and add it to curries, soups, stews or smoothies. The root also tastes delicious when poured with hot water as a tea. Ginger has been proven to soothe nausea, indigestion and abdominal cramps. The contained gingerols stimulate bile and saliva production as well as digestion, which alleviates the symptoms.
Garlic contains active compounds, such as allicin, that reduce the risk of infection and boost a weak immune system. Allicin is initially present in garlic in its precursor “Alliin”. When the garlic clove is peeled, cut or minced, an enzyme called alliinase is released. This reacts with alliin when exposed to air. The reaction produces allicin, which boosts immune cells and protects against colds and flu.
Berries are rich in phytochemicals that have health-promoting and antimicrobial effects. The secondary plant substance anthocyanin gives the fruit its intense colour, has an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthens a weak immune system.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil consists of medium-chain fatty acids, which have antimicrobial properties. This means that they inhibit the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria. The medium-chain fatty acid lauric acid is found in large amounts in coconut oil. This is converted to monolaurin in the body. Both can fight harmful viruses, bacteria, and fungi, thereby boosting a weak immune system. Despite its immune-boosting properties, coconut oil is recommended to be consumed in moderation as it is 90 percent saturated fat. These can increase the risk of dyslipidemia.
Nuts And Seeds
Nuts and seeds contain many valuable nutrients. They contain, among other things, selenium, copper, vitamin E and zinc. All of these ingredients are effective against a weak immune system. For example, sesame seeds and almonds contain a lot of copper and vitamin E, while pumpkin seeds and cashew nuts are rich in zinc. A single Brazil nut can cover the daily need for selenium. Nuts and seeds are also high in fiber, contain valuable omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, which have a positive effect on health and strengthen a weak immune system