Scholars Attest That The Bible Got One Detail About Jesus, That Is Unfortunately Not True

Published on 06/15/2020

The “Adulterer’s Bible”

In the Bible created by Barker and Lucas, the meaning in the commandment was, “Thou shalt commit adultery.” The critical word “not” was not inserted by the compositor. It could somehow be avoided when double-checking their work. However, the book they created also became a version called “Adulterer’s Bible.” The result of their inexcusable mistake was terrible.

The “Adulterer’s Bible”

The “Adulterer’s Bible”


Barker And Lucas Were Summoned

In that period, the king of the English was Charles I. Some reported he became angry because of the mistake in the book. Barker and Lucas were called into the Star Chamber. The chamber was a different court in that era—the consequence of the two men where they had been penalized an amount of three hundred euro. In our current period, it was estimated forty thousand dollars, and their licenses as a printer were revoked as a part of their punishment. Several reproductions of the book called “Wicked Bible” was traced and incinerated

Barker And Lucas Were Summoned

Barker And Lucas Were Summoned