He Sees A Wolf In His Coyote Trap And Responds Perfectly

Published on 01/17/2022


Lions are wild animals that live off of the land once their natural mindset and instincts have been interfered with it is natural they will become more aggressive. Le’s be honest we all know a little too well about how being angry feels. Now imagine having the will to hunt being taken away from you completely. However, he would soon overcome this and a specific progressive path was on the way…



Never Loses His Will To Live

Kahn was a warrior, never losing his will to live, unlike Sheila. This vicious beast soon became a friendly and happy animal, and he recovered quickly. Kahn blended well into the rescue center with the other lions and seemed to enjoy his new retirement life very much. His violence was mainly due to his health conditions and is much less angry now that his complications are remedied.

Never Loses His Will To Live