He Sees A Wolf In His Coyote Trap And Responds Perfectly

Published on 01/17/2022

Mountain Lions Too

It should be noted that not all trappers attempt to capture coyotes. For starters, those living in the West have to cope with mountain lions. Most of the time, they stay out of the way, although they may travel to the suburbs in quest of food on occasion.

Mountain Lions Too

Mountain Lions Too

Despite the fact that they can be disruptive, some people believe that their population should be managed. Unfortunately, the population has been on the decline for some time. In fact, there are just 30,000 of them remaining! What caused this to occur?


Controlling Mountain Lions

The mountain lion population has been steadily declining for several decades. These animals, on the other hand, have the potential to be extremely destructive. The huge cats have a reputation for being exceedingly scary and even harmful to people of all ages.

Controlling Mountain Lions

Controlling Mountain Lions

What measures should be taken to keep them under control? Even while it does not happen very often, some people do manage to trap them. Because they are so large, special techniques must be used to deal with them. In most states, however, it is against the law to kill them.