He Sees A Wolf In His Coyote Trap And Responds Perfectly

Published on 01/17/2022

The Unfortunate Deer

We are all aware that eagles may be quite dangerous animals. That is a fact that cannot be denied. This photograph can demonstrate just how harmful they can be. We can observe the awful events that occurred when this Sika deer was taken by surprise by this eagle. It is a sad story. In the end, the bird gave the despairing deer a new lease on life.

The Unfortunate Deer

The Unfortunate Deer


The disparity in weight between the two individuals is also extremely surprising. The eagle must weigh approximately 10 pounds, while the deer must be approximately 80 pounds. In the wild, however, the difference in weight or height makes little difference. The deceased deer was discovered by the property owner many hours later.


The Hog And Raccoon

Can you see how amusing this photograph is? It is possible to see something in this photograph that we would not normally see with our own eyes. God bless the invention of night vision cameras! This was set up by the landowner in order to determine who was consuming all of the food in the feeder, and the results are pretty startling.

The Hog And Raccoon

The Hog And Raccoon

This was something he had not anticipated happening. He discovered that the hog had devoured all of the maize; yet, this was something he had anticipated. What takes him by surprise is the presence of the hog. When it came to the feeder, the raccoon was there to shake it, causing the corn to fall. What a remarkable display of collaboration!