Read This 40+ Hilarious Windshield Note And Try Not To Laugh

Published on 04/10/2023

We can’t deny that most of us dislike terrible drivers on the road. The worst employment, though, are still mind-numbingly terrible parking jobs. Those with terrible parking skills are the worst drivers. However, instead of stealing someone’s car for vengeance, we recommend leaving a well-decorated letter with an angry message or some advice for the car’s owner. It will aggravate them the most. That is the ultimate form of retribution. We’ve gathered a compilation of some of the most humorous windshield notes we’ve found on the internet as a result of this. Some of the letters made us giggle, while others made us nervous. If you want to see what we’re talking about, keep reading.

Caps Lock Makes Everything More Intense

Receiving a letter in capital letters shows how angry they are with you. But in this case, things were different. The letter below is written entirely in capital letters, which is the first thing you’ll notice. This simply demonstrates how furious this person is about the car parking across the pavement. Not only that, but the guy who left the message mentioned how it was a fantastic opportunity for him to slide across the bonnet of the automobile.

Caps Lock Makes Everything Intense

Caps Lock Makes Everything Intense


Love, Your Neighbor

A kind neighbor wrote this driver a note. When reading the note, you’ll notice that it begins on a positive tone. It was even written in an official tone with that salutation. Nonetheless, you’ll get the idea that the note was sardonic.

Love, Your Neighbor

Love, Your Neighbor