These Epic Wedding Fails Will Make You Cringe And Laugh At The Same Time

Published on 11/25/2020


Weddings are such a beautiful thing when you think about it. The new couple gathers all the people closest to them in order to celebrate their love and commitment to each other. Well, it seems that not everyone is all too thrilled with this couple. Just take a look at the groomsman in the background – he looks downright disgusted when seeing the newlyweds kiss. We really hope it’s just a joke, but we have to admit that the photo is hilarious.




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We can’t help but laugh when we look at this picture. It’s so sweet and innocent at first glance, but then you realize the little flower girl who’s about to fall behind the bride and groom. Is the groom trying to help catch her? Did he even notice what’s going on? Meanwhile, the bride looks like she’s completely oblivious to the entire situation in the photo – also the little boy’s face beside her. The little guy looks quite uncomfortable. Overall, amazing picture.

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