These Epic Wedding Fails Will Make You Cringe And Laugh At The Same Time

Published on 11/25/2020

Jump Scare

We can’t tell if the woman in the back jumped into the photo or if she is in the middle of falling backward. We’d like to think that she was trying to scare the bride and get a funny photo out of it but ended up tripping and falling instead. Whatever’s happening, the bride doesn’t seem to be bothered about it at all. Did she not notice the commotion right behind her? She must have laughed so hard when she saw this photo.

Jump Scare

Jump Scare


Celebrity Photobomb

First of all, we have to ask: who does a wedding photo shoot out on the streets of New York City? That’s bound to end up being weird – there is so much going on around the couple can never know who will randomly end up in their photos. Well, one photo featured none other than Zach Braff walking by casually and making a face to the camera. What if the couple was a big fan and didn’t notice him until after the photo was taken?

Celebrity Photobomb

Celebrity Photobomb