Who Would Have Thought You Can Fix These Problems With A Can Of WD-40?

Published on 04/29/2019

Removing Gum

Man, when you are already having a bad day, gum on your shoes can make it that much worse. The blame is on the people who chew them and spit them out wherever, but it is hard to hold them accountable for their actions. The next best thing is to use WD-40 to pry it off as soon as possible.

Removing Gum

Removing Gum


Taking Out Lipstick Stains

There are times when you will walk out your door without noticing a lipstick stain. By the time you realize it is there, it is already too late. A quick fix comes in the form of the WD-40. Spray some on and watch it come off without a hitch!

Taking Out Lipstick Stains

Taking Out Lipstick Stains