These Recreations Of Historical Figures Will Make You See Them In A New Light

Published on 11/25/2020

What King Tut Really Looked Like

After conducting DNA studies on the mummy, scientists learned just how terrible the health of the pharaoh was. He was tall, frail, and suffering from malaria, bone disorder, an infected broken leg, and a club foot. The last one was the result of inbreeding in the family. These also explained why he was always shown sitting down!

What King Tut Really Looked Like

What King Tut Really Looked Like


Emperor Nero

At the age of 17, Nero took on the title of the Roman Emperor during the Julio-Claudian dynasty. In the fifth year he held the title, he ordered the death of his mother and played a more active role in politics. A known musician, poet, actor, and charioteer, people undermined his authority. He was hated by the middle and upper classes after raising taxes to fund the public and private works of the empire.

Emperor Nero

Emperor Nero