These Recreations Of Historical Figures Will Make You See Them In A New Light

Published on 09/12/2019

Marcus Agrippa

Marcus Agrippa was a consul, general, architect, and statesman. Born in 63 BC, he was the right-hand man and best friend of Augustus. You will see the buildings he designed when you go to Rome. He also brought Rome to victory against Cleopatra and Mark Antony during the Battle of Actium.

Marcus Agrippa

Marcus Agrippa


What Marcus Agrippa Really Looked Like

Marcus Agrippa died in Campania in 12 BC. He was 51 years old at the time. Augustus honored him by holding a huge funeral and mourning period that went on for more than 30 days. The emperor even took care of the children Marcus left. Even though he created a tomb for himself, he was placed in the mausoleum of Augustus instead. This was what artists think he looked like back in the day.

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What Marcus Agrippa Really Looked Like