An Amazing Bond
George saw what his dog was like around the kitten, and the owner felt more convinced that keeping Lil Ray-Ray was the right call. It definitely felt like it was the right decision! As for Crosby, he clearly loved having the kitten around, even letting her rest on his fur and claw on him. The dog was really patient with the baby despite the fact that she made his fur her own scratching post!

An Amazing Bond
Helping Animals In Need
It is nice to know that there are people like George in the world. Nevertheless, the fact remains that shelters definitely need help. If you can’t adopt, consider fostering instead! You can also try spreading awareness about these organizations or donating. By doing so, you help give the poor animals at shelters a better life! The kitten in this story was lucky, but not all animals are as fortunate. This next story is one which encompasses love and patience for animals. It is clear this distressed animal was in need of help!

Helping Animals In Need