Creepy Photobomber
Imagine taking a photo with your significant other and noticing an unidentified man acting on your shoulder. That’s exactly what happened to this couple near the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany. It’s difficult to tell if this person is a clown, a mime, a street performer, or…just a makeup fanatic. In any case, it would be unsettling to see this face staring back at you in your camera. The couple most likely got the shot they wanted after their new pal left.

Creepy Photobomber
Disney World is marketed as the ideal family vacation destination and the ultimate dream destination for children worldwide. Even die-hard Disney fans may find the numerous Disney characters roaming the parks frightening. This little girl was adamant that she would not meet Tigger. She’s terrified and crouched beneath the table…poor thing. Let’s hope the rest of the vacation goes smoothly.

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