35+ Holiday Pictures That Turned Out Badly

Published on 03/29/2021

Dolphin And The Baby

This toddler doesn’t look like she’s very happy in this photo. We don’t think she realizes or understands that there is glass in between her and the dolphin. But in any case, we have a feeling she might not want to return to the zoo after this experience. It’s hilarious to see photos like this one. What kind of parents would take the photo instead of stopping and helping their terrified child? We’re guessing since she was in no immediate danger, they went with the funnier option instead of the nice one.

Dolphin And The Baby

Dolphin And The Baby


Donkey Says Hi

Don’t be scared. This donkey just wants to be friends with you, that’s all. We may all want to believe that this donkey will be friendly with this kid, but we can’t know for sure. He isn’t like the lovable animated Shrek character we all adore. This guy is probably just curious about what this child was doing inside the car and if he had any food to give him. Maybe he just wanted to say hi. Is that so bad?

Donkey Says Hi

Donkey Says Hi