35+ Holiday Pictures That Turned Out Badly

Published on 03/29/2021

Vacation In The Hospital

Visiting the ER while on vacation is almost a must. When on a family vacation, it’s highly likely someone will end up in the hospital at one point or another. Whether it’s as a result of falling, getting fingers clipped, bumping someone’s head, or tripping, something is bound to happen no matter what. Whatever it may be, this picture encapsulates the entire experience of spending family time by a hospital.

Vacation In The Hospital

Vacation In The Hospital


Goth Trip To The Beach

Judging by her outfit, this girl decided to take things to the next level with her summer vacation wardrobe. We all know that going to the beach typically requires a bathing suit, but the thing is, this girl is a rebel. She can’t simply follow everyone else and do the same thing. She had to do something different, that will set her apart from the crowd and make her own mark on the world. So, she wore all black.

Goth Trip To The Beach

Goth Trip To The Beach