35+ Holiday Pictures That Turned Out Badly

Published on 03/29/2021

The Monkey Attack

This picture is the perfect example of such a scenario: when you have snacks in your hand, any and all animals will approach you in hopes of stealing said snacks. Whether you want to give them the food, they will do all they can to get it from you. Just imagine this woman’s expression when she sees this photo years later and has to tell her friends the story behind it. We’re sure they’ll all have a good laugh about it.

The Monkey Attack

The Monkey Attack


Hands Too Full

When taking family photos, it’s important to keep in mind that dealing with kids is not easy or picture-perfect. It’s crucial to recognize just how important it is not to slip up and drop anyone accidentally in the process. It’s not very nice to drop your kids just for the sake of getting that perfect family photo. Despite the fact that’s it’s funny to look at, we’re sure this little girl won’t feel the same.

Hands Too Full

Hands Too Full