35+ Holiday Pictures That Turned Out Badly

Published on 03/29/2021

‘No, Daddy!’

“What the hell are you doing, Daddy?” What was this guy up to? His attempt to show his baby, his first camel, appears to be failing miserably, as the camel appears to be attempting to eat the baby’s hand!

'No, Daddy!'

‘No, Daddy!’


Mama Bear On The Way

This is either the worst case of car trouble we’ve seen in a long time, or the family pulled over to get a better look at the mama bear and her cub. In any case, we strongly advise them to get that car moving as soon as possible. Or, hey, maybe mama bear got lost in the woods and pulled over to the side of the road to ask a passing car for directions.

Mama Bear On The Way

Mama Bear On The Way