The Greatest Presidents In US History Ranked

Published on 11/22/2018

Barack Obama

Barack Obama was the 44th United States president and he is renowned for being the first ever African-American President elected in history. When he was president, from 2009 to 2017, he made a couple of historic moves, like signing the Affordable Care Act to reform health care. In addition, he left several legacies, like brokering the Iran nuclear deal, repealing the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy of the military, and normalizing relations between the US and Cuba.

Barack Obama

Barack Obama


Obama’s Inauguration

President Obama’s inauguration was a site to behold. Other than the massive turn-out, there was the American anthem sung beautifully by Beyonce. Obama’s words still ring in the ears of many, “Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law.”

Obamas Inauguration

Obamas Inauguration