The Greatest Presidents In US History Ranked

Published on 11/22/2018

William McKinley Jr.

Between 1897 and 1901, William McKinley Jr. was in office as the 25th United States president. He was the last president who led the country during the American Civil War and he also led America to victory during the Spanish-US War. When he was in office, the country had major movement as the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico became US territories. In addition, he was well-liked for boosting the economy of the US, but he didn’t really pursue justice for all citizens equally.

William McKinley Jr.

William McKinley Jr.


McKinley’s Assassination

President McKinley’s secretary voiced his worry about a visit to Temple of Music in Buffalo, New York. He managed to call off the trip on two occasions, but on the third the president insisted on going despite the warnings of an assassination attempt. Sadly on September 6th, 1901, Leon Czolgosz closed in on the president and shot him twice in the abdomen. McKinley died 8 days after the attack.

McKinleys Assassination

McKinleys Assassination