Their Story Went Viral
Briana and Brittany, together with their husbands, were glad to hear that their children are going to be siblings. How perfect is that? This was even more ideal because they wanted to raise the kids in the same house. Journalists wanted to cover the story as soon as word spread about it. We are also intrigued by their arrangement, although there are also people who disapprove of this.

Their Story Went Viral
An Incredibly Unique Situation
TLC is a network that has shows about interesting families. We are not surprised to hear about their interest in the couples! They paid for the wedding. You can watch the event in Our Twinsane Wedding. The couples chose a “Twice Upon a Time” theme and were even married by identical twin ministers. It feels like things only get more and more interesting the more we hear about their lives.

An Incredibly Unique Situation