Their Big Break
When they were in their teens, the girls started to get even more attention. We doubt that you will be surprised to hear that many people told them to go into modeling! A lot of people thought that this field was perfect for them. However, it is not ideal to embark on such a career when you come from a small town because opportunities were definitely scarce.

Their Big Break
It was a good thing that the girls got to participate in the competition called “The Great Model Search” run by Teen Magazine. They were 16 years old at the time. The best thing about it was that they ended up winning! This was their chance to branch out. The three girls appeared on the cover of Teen Magazine, and this fetched them even more opportunities in the industry.
What They Planned
When they were about to graduate from high school, they started to talk about the plans they had for the future. Like their peers, it was time to start thinking of a career path. They decided to put aside their blossoming career and hoped to study nursing at the University of Minnesota instead! Don’t you think it is great that still wanted to work together in such a noble profession?

What They Planned
However, this plan did not become a reality since they saw a flyer on campus that went on to change their lives forever. It was a flyer that advertised a contest hosted by Playboy. It turns out the magazine was on the lookout for models who could join the “Girls of the Big Ten Special Edition”!