Amusing And Amazing: These Kitchen Products Are Taking The World By Storm

Published on 01/04/2021

Twirling Spaghetti Fork

It is not easy to admit this, but even people who love pasta have difficulties twirling pasta on the fork every now and then. This is even more difficult for children. A German company called Donkey created the Rolognese for this very reason. It is a spinning fork with a handle on top that allows children to turn and twirl their pasta with ease. We love how simple yet effective this idea is. There is only one downside that we can see. It is the fact that it costs $30 per piece. If you have little kids, we daresay that it is worth it. After all, it is annoying when you have to pick up pasta from the floor several times during a meal.

Twirling Spaghetti Fork

Twirling Spaghetti Fork


Noodle Cooling Fan

In Japan, they call the art of useless gadgets “Chindogu.” We can see its appeal. If you have ever seen those baby-mop onesies or upside-down umbrellas, you would know what we mean. You can use the Noodle Cooling Fan by Yo Sushi, but it is not really a matter of life or death. We have all gone through the betrayal of biting into noodles before they have cooled down. This device is going to stop you from burning your tongue! It comes with two propellers that you can stick to your chopsticks so that it would cool the needles. You can charge it with a USB cord. At $99, it is a pricey but fun device.

Noodle Cooling Fan

Noodle Cooling Fan