E-1s With Less Than Four Months Experience: $1,650/Month
Ranks as low as Private in the Marine Corps and Army, Airman Basic in the air force and space force, and Seaman Recruit in the navy and coast guard are the lowest possible, with the highest possible rank being E-1 in the Air Force (enlisted-1). E-1 service members, on the other hand, receive $1,650 per month regardless of whether or not they have completed more than four months of active duty.

E 1s With Less Than Four Months Experience
E-2 Service Members: $2,000.70/Month
An E-2 is the next rung on the military’s ladder of advancement. There are a variety of ranks associated with this rank, including private first class (Marines), seaman apprentice (Navy & Coast Guard), airman (Air Force & Space Force), and private second class (Army) among others. During the course of the year, their monthly stipend increases to $2,000.70, for total yearly pay of $24,008.40. The beginning salary of an E-8 is almost twice that of an E-2. To find out how much it costs, you’ll have to continue reading.

E 2 Service Members