These Celebrities Look Remarkably Beautiful Even Without Make Up

Published on 03/07/2021

Adam Lambert – Queen + Adam Lambert

Isn’t it impossible to assume this is the same person? They knew Adam Lambert for wearing a lot of lipstick and wearing flashy dresses. However, looking at this photo without lipstick, we have to ask why he will like to paint his face in the first place. He has a beautiful presence! On the other hand, Lambert has recently ditched the makeup in favor of a more conservative look, citing that he only did it without much consideration. Adam is well-known for his work with Queen and the band’s popular tour, which started in 2014 and concluded in 2018.

Adam Lambert Queen + Adam Lambert

Adam Lambert Queen + Adam Lambert


Adam Ant – Adam And The Ants

Adam Ant, 64, soared to fame as the lead singer of Adam and the Ants, and his edgy look, which featured a lot of make-up, added to his popularity. Yet Adam has been covering a lovely face all this time! We must confess that we are not used to seeing celebrities with their faces uncovered; it is typically the other way around. Adam started his solo career after his band disbanded, and he has been actively working on his musical career since 2010. ‘ Will you want to know something fascinating? Ant, according to rumor, does not own a tv! How can you ever blame him? Surely a talented person like him has more interesting things to do with his time.

Adam Ant Adam And The Ants

Adam Ant Adam And The Ants