These Celebrities Look Remarkably Beautiful Even Without Make Up

Published on 03/07/2021

Lindsay Lohan – Mean Girls

Lindsey Lohan has a turbulent background. Lindsey started her career as a child star and matured into adulthood with a few hiccups along the way, tackling everything from alcoholism to charity work in Turkey. So we were relieved to see her in this beach picture looking safe and clear-eyed; in truth, we think she looks better without the makeup. In May of this year, Paris Hilton made some negative remarks about Lohan, to which she immediately replied most sweetly and kindly. You’ve got this, kid!

Lindsay Lohan Mean Girls

Lindsay Lohan Mean Girls


Carrie Underwood – American Idol

It can be tough to reconcile certain celebrities’ red-carpet looks with their daily looks. Carrie Underwood, a country artist, is a prime example of this. Again, we see a star mid-workout, looking more rugged and determined than glamorous, showing that money doesn’t matter when it comes to getting in shape; it’s hard work for all of us. Cry Beautiful, Underwood’s most recent studio album, was released in 2018.

Carrie Underwood American Idol

Carrie Underwood American Idol