Farm Life
Hannah truly loves horses, and this is why she opted to become an equestrian. Her passion has changed her life. Her was what she had to say about her fascinating career: “I have a small breeding program in California where I’m developing young horses to bring along and sell. It’s a business that so far has been really great and a great experience. It is a very expensive sport, so that is why my dad encouraged and invested in this breeding operation. They have been very supportive. The prices of horses have become astronomical. So that’s why it’s so much more rewarding to bring a horse along on your own.”

Farm Life
How Far?
The Sellecks own and live on an avocado farm that spans 60 acres. They have to ensure that everything is running smoothly on the property. However, exactly how far are they willing to go to ensure that things go their way? Several years ago, the state of California suffered from a terrible drought. It was during this time that the actor broke the law. He hired trucks to transfer million dollars’ worth of water from a hydrant in town to keep his farm running. However, it did not take long before justice was served. Let this serve as a lesson to all would-be criminals.

How Far?