The Strangest Thing Happened When National Geographic Photographer Went To Take Photos Of The Dangerous Leopard Seal

Published on 10/13/2019

Spa Time!

Is there a better way to cool down in the middle of a summer heatwave than this? A dust bath is always the answer, at least for these elephants in Africa. These creatures coat themselves in dirt to stay cool and keep the mosquitos away. Do you want to do this too?

Spa Time

Spa Time!


An Astonishing Chase

This chase happened in Rift Valley, Kenya. Mind you, it actually ended on a happy note. The cheetah stopped preying on this gazelle and began to play with it before letting it go. The fawn then went back to its mom. The photographer added this note: “Even the animals value the life of other animals.”

An Astonishing Chase

An Astonishing Chase