The Presidential Scandals That Have Shocked Americans Over The Centuries

Published on 07/16/2020

Warren G. Harding And Carrie Fulton Phillips

Both Warren G. Harding and Carrie Fulton Phillips were married when they embarked on a fair together. In fact, the couples would even go to Europe together! When the affair was discovered, they split up and she even moved to Germany for a little while. They ended up getting back together when she returned to the United States. In an effort to stop the press from finding out, his political advisors bribed her and her husband with a tour of Asia and the Pacific while he was running for president. On top of that, she was also given an annual stipend!

Warren G. Harding And Carrie Fulton Phillips

Warren G. Harding And Carrie Fulton Phillips


Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings

There has been a lot of debate about the relationship between Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings. People think that it was a complicated romance, but it is hard to believe that it was consensual because she was his slave. It started when she accompanied his daughter to France during his service as an ambassador. Over there, she was deemed free and made a living wage under his employ. When he had to go back to Virginia, she did not want to come since she enjoyed her freedom in Paris. He asked her to come to him and resorted “to induce her to do so he promised her extraordinary privileges, and made a solemn pledge that her children should be freed at the age of 21 years.” The worst part about this was that she did not regain her freedom when they got back to the United States.

Thomas Jefferson And Sally Hemings

Thomas Jefferson And Sally Hemings