The Fascinating Life Story Of Sam Elliott

Published on 10/07/2018

His Name In The Script

As previously mentioned, his name was included in The Big Lebowski’s script. It was quite clear that the writers especially want him to portray the character. They sure made it hard for him to reject such an offer! I mean, your name in the script? Who would say no to that?

His Name In The Script

His Name In The Script


Working With Jeff Bridges

Elliott’s work in The Big Lebowski opened doors of opportunity for him, especially in landing a role in The Contender. He played Kermit Newman in the said movie. Rod Lurie, the director, liked how Jeff Bridges and Sam Elliott worked together. When Rod got Bridges on board, he also sent the script to Sam Elliott. Fortunately, he took the offer.

Working With Jeff Bridges

Working With Jeff Bridges