These People Are Doing Anything They Want Even If Their Actions Will Affect Other People Negatively

Published on 08/31/2020

Epic Comeback

It does not come off as a surprise when the woman still acted rudely when she reached out to the foeman and the truck driver despite the fact that she was asking for a favor so she could leave. The men have everything planned however and they would not lose this fight. The driver told the lady: “Ma’am, in order to unload the lumber on the truck, we had to unstrap it, and per our company policy, I’m not allowed to move the truck with any unsecured load on it”.

Epic Comeback

Epic Comeback


The Spectacle

Another unexpected thing happened after their little chit chat. She was bursting in rage due to what was happening and the situation that she was in. The two men certainly added more to the anger that the woman has. Leading for the woman to eventually “blow up” and be consumed by her anger as she began throwing a fit and scream profanities whilst repetitively stating that she has somewhere to be.

The Spectacle

The Spectacle