Kiowa girl, 1894
Taken in the middle of 1894, this photo showcases a teenager who was part of the Native American tribe, Kiowa. For your information, Kiowa is a large group of indigenous people based in the Great Plains of the United States. Their language revolves around the English Language, Kiowa language, and the Plains Indian Sign Language. Back in the days, Kiowa people did not have a permanent place to reside in – all of them transferred from one place to another every single time and despite the struggles, they still managed to protect the entire tribe and live up to their principles.

Kiowa Girl, 1894
An Inuit Man With His Wife, 1890
The photo that can be seen on this page showcases a man who is holding his wife’s feet in order to warm her up. The couple in the photo were members of the Inuit tribe. In case you did not know, the Inuit tribe is a group of indigenous people living in the Arctic regions of Alaska, Greenland, and Canada. With this photo, it is evident that one of the tribe’s principles is taking care of one another despite any situation they would be involved in. This photo was originally taken in the middle of 1890, by Robert E. Peary.

An Inuit Man With His Wife, 1890