Never Before Seen Real American Photos Revealed

Published on 07/09/2020

A Yuma Man, 1900

The inhabitants of Yuma are also known as the Quechan, and they lived throughout much of their lives in Arizona and California during 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, two parts of the U.S. that sound as if it were unlivable without modern amenities, but they did. Like every other party, Quechan people often loved music and art in order to experience both the rough and good times.

A Yuma Man, 1900

A Yuma Man, 1900


Ah-Weh-Eyu aka Pretty Flower, 1908

Looking at the picture, you would be able to see an Iroquois woman. For your information, Iroquois is a group of people, more like an alliance, based in North America. In their society, back in the 1500s, women were the ones who had the superiority because they had always believed that women had the power to feel and know the Earth’s nature. Well, let us now talk about the woman in the photo. By simply analyzing the photo, even at first glance, it is very evident that the woman was a person that kept in touch with nature. 

Ah Weh Eyu Aka Pretty Flower, 1908

Ah Weh Eyu Aka Pretty Flower, 1908